Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Top tips from teachers around the country

  •  Raven technique - raven_analysis.pdf (weebly.com)
  • AQA log in detail (to discuss and show examples)
  • I go on and on about being clear and detailed in the production log, to have a resources log and time management plan that shows changes...CPM and I to stress changes in bold and capital..
  •  a concise review of selected sources: strengths and weaknesses
  • keep referring them back to the assessment objectives and asking them to think how they are demonstrating these at each stage
  • I just say every decision has to be logged. No matter how small. If its an EPQ thought or decision write it down and give reasons for that thought or decision. I suggest that they have an EPQ journal in some form so they can do this throughout the different phases so that when they come to write up the Production log at the official stages they have a clear path of what they did and why to write up.

  • Get them to consider that the assessment objectives are what they get marked on and remind them of this at each stage. Decisions and reasons reflect these.
    We have found that those that choose to do this have always got the As and A*s in the cohort and those that don't, don't and get the grades that reflect the detail they put in
  • I refer to the AOs constantly too and use them to back up why they're doing certain activities. 
  • Have a detailed plan that is updated regularly. I tend to find it all flows from this- good plan, good project
  • Secrets to EPQ success on youtube - Martin is so friendly and he has videos for every stage of the process - Secrets to EPQ Success: How to get an A* in your Extended Project Qualification. (AQA 2020) - YouTube 
  • Be explicit about everything. Make the logbook detailed
  • An excellent, clear, thorough Production Log outlining key decisions, processes, detailed and monitored planning, and an outstanding dissertation